Telugu Badi

Vision & Goals

  • Telugu Language Learning Enhanced on the World Canvass and
  • Global Telugu Community Energized Linguistically & Culturally

Mission is to achieve the Vision & Goals by

  • Developing “International Bala Siksha” syllabus, preparing lesson plans, training the trainers and help organizing Telugu Badis across the globe

  • Teaching Telugu Language & Literature at International standards, using modern tools & techniques, with community support & participation

  • Helping Telugu Communities living abroad and in India

  • Propagating Telugu Language, Culture, Values and Traditions


  • 1992-2000

    •  Supported several Telugu language teaching initiatives and learned from community education programs in the USA.

  • 2001-2003

    •  Initiated Austin Telugu Badi with a team of Parent Teacher Volunteers involved in Austin Hindu Temple & Community Center (AHTCC).

  • 2004-2010

    •  Weekly classes conducted in volunteer parent homes, in rented school classrooms and in AHTCC-MPRH

    •  Grew with AHTCC Bala Vihar and other Gurukul Educational programs.

    •  Students started presenting the padyams learned in Telugu Cultural Association, Austin (TCA) cultural events.

    •  “amtarjAtIya bAla Siksha” syllabus developed: bAlAnaMdaM (B1-B3), pravESaM(L1-L3), prAvINyaM (L4-L6), and praj~na (L7-L9).

    •  Started structured semester (10-15 week) approach with defined measurable goals and milestones for each incremental learning level.

    •  Obtained Parent-Teacher commitments and started weekly classes at North Austin Mathnasium in Austin.

    •  Initiated multiple International Telugu Badi centers in Atlanta, Chicago (Mana Andari Badi), Dallas/Plano area and South Austin.

    •  Students presented skits in several Telugu Cultural Association cultural programs at multiple centers.

    •  Started Annual Poem Recital, Elocution and Essay writing competitions and the end-of-academic year Anniversary events

  • 2011-2014

    •  Expanded “amtarjAtIya bAla Siksha” syllabus and started additional Austin Telugu Badi centers and batches.

    •  Shared syllabus and teaching methods with Telugu Badis in Beaumont, New Hampshire, California, Seattle and in Australia

    •  Started new Telugu Badis in Cincinnati (Tarangini Telugu Patasala), Bentonville (NWA Telugu Badi)

    •  International Telugu Badi centers Austin, Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati and Bentonville grew in size and commitment.

    •  First batch of students completing all learning levels graduated from Austin followed by other International Telugu Badi centers.

    •  Annual competitions and the Anniversary events continued to be attended by over 400 students, parent teachers and guests.

  • 2015-2019

    •  Registered International Telugu Badi as a non-profit community education institution and obtained IRS 501c(3) status with tax exemption.

    •  Started collaborating with Chinmaya Mission Balavihar program to incorporate our syllabus & methods as part of language learning.

    •  Shared syllabus and teaching methods with Bharati Tirtha Trust in Stroudsberg, PA and Chinmaya centers in Kansas City and Maryland.

    •  Weekly classes started at Chinmaya Mission Austin under MOU, our curriculum and practices also shared with several centers across USA.

    •  Conducted and Supported Sahiti Sadassulu and Avadhaanamulu in Austin. Multiple batches of International Telugu Badi students graduated.
  • •  Started new International Telugu Badi centers in Reno, NV and Folsom, CA.
  • 2020 –

    •  Started virtual / online teaching for all levels at multiple International Telugu Badi centers.

    •  Streamed talent show (in lieu of anniversary) live online, students started participating in Sahiti sadassulu.

    •  Revamped our website, updated the content and added online registration.